Atlassian Confluence 和 Confluence 插件


Confluence 7.13.0

版权声明; 2003 - 2021 Atlassian 股份有限公司

本产品的使用遵循Atlassian End User Agreement中的条目, 除非其中规定了其他内容。

本产品包含了由 Apache 软件基金会开发的软件。

该产品还包含GNU LGPL许可证所涵盖的以下库:


有关本产品中包含的上述及其他第三方代码的更多详细信息,包括适用的版权、法律和许可声明,您可在 Confluence 安装目录下的“licenses”子目录中找到。


Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant 3.7.1

Copyright © 2002 - 2022 Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd.

The use of this product is subject to the terms of the Atlassian End User Agreement, unless other specified therein.

This plugin includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation.

This plugin also includes code written by other third parties.

Additional details regarding these and other third-party codes included in this plugin, including applicable copyright, legal, and licensing notices, are available in the "licenses" directory inside the plugin.